Monday, October 18, 2010

Should Print Media just go away/

Everywhere people go there is some sort of technology. Some people embrace the latest and greatest, while some people shy away from it. Maybe they don't understand it or are afraid that if they get involved, the need and expense would never end. After all, you don't start nuthin there won't be nuthin, right? You can't get addicted to something you never start.

Those people who either can't afford the technology, or they shy away from it, still need and deserve to get the news and entertainment from somewhere. A newspaper or magazine provides an array of news and entertainment. The printed media is something tangible. You can clip pictures out or save articles that mean something to you. You get to socialize with the paperboy or gossip in the checkout line as you browse through the magazines.

I like reading printed media. For some reason it is easier to comprehend for me. I like the ads and pictures that are provided. It has nostalgic feelings for me also. I remember going over the Sunday paper with my Dad. First we would study the world around us, always learning. Then the SUNDAY COMICS!! It was a highlight for me and my Dad.

Printed media is still keeping up with technology. They provide the articles online so that people can read them at work sitting at their desk, pretending they are working. You can even get the latest celebrity gossip streamed to your cell phone, just in case Lindsey Lohan did something more damaging to her career while you were sleeping.

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