Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Weekend

     Well lets see, I don't do alot on my weekend to work. Mostly I try to take care of the boys i.e. cooking brunch (because non of us can roll out of bed by 10 am), and make sure they do some kind of chore. Friday was hell. See, this is the problem with getting old. I can't remember what I did on Fri. I know I took a nap, though. Got it! Friday I went to see my friend and her baby. I'm kinda jealous that she had a girl, but in the end I'm really happy for her and her husband. The visit was a good one. But how can you not have a good visit when choclate doughnuts are involved? I would post a picture, but the Dad is a little wierd about the privacy issue. Damn hackers! You'll have to trust me, the kid are gorgeous.
     Saturday was a beautiful day! I made a deal with my boss and got saturday off. I slept in. I love to sleep! I could lay around all day. that's probably why I look the way I do. I would post a picture, but I have a vanity issue.  I went into the college to do my lab for my computer class. I can't stand the fact that I don't have all I need to do the work at home. I had my youngest son with me because he wanted to see where I keep spending all my time. You know because I'm not at home baking all the time. Poor kid. I cussed and fussed  and wound up at my friend Beth's house. She has a husband who is a computer genius. Great guy! I think he's happy that she and I are taking a computer class. He might not have to explain everything all the time now.
     Sunday was spent sleeping till I had to go to work. This is major because staying awake all nite is really hard to do when you love to sleep so much. Sixteen hours I worked. Maybe that wasn't such a deal. I forgot about Monday morning class. Can you really learn anything through the subconsious? I work at a nursing home. I actually love my job! at times. Around 5am I'm not loving much of anything. I don't know if I can say what I do at work. The privacy issues again. Damn HIPPA! Well, thaat's all I did this weekend. I don't think I got enough sleep though. ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Managing it all

I've been sitting here thinking about highly successful single parents. I don't know any right off the top of my head, but I know that they are out there. How do they keep their cool? I manage a certin number of boys, my children, and I can tell you I would like to scream out loud. They have it out for me, I'm sure. Now I can see why my parents were so uptight. I am pretty sure their plan is to drive my insane and then commit me to an institution. But only after they force me to sign over power of attorney. Does anyone have a way to lower my blood presure that doesn't involve slamming my head into a wall? I'm all ears